
So, you are a musician or band who has recorded a single, an EP or an album and you need something to make you stand out from the crowd on your social media pages or web site.

That's where can help!

How it works

We think that the best way to showcase your work is to provide a sample of each track on your single/EP/album and for you, as the artist(s), to talk about the why, what, how and when of the track.

Here's an example of an conversation with one of our favourite new bands - No PROMISES - an alt country duo from South Gippsland in Victoria.

Once we have recorded the individual conversations, both the audio and the video are yours to use where - and how - you want to.

Imagine sharing the individual videos for each track of your upcoming release on your social media channels!

And for no extra cost, we'll publish the episodes as part of our podcast and the individual and collated videos on our YouTube channel as well!

What it costs

We understand that, as a fledgling artist, money is not growing on trees! So, we have done everything we can to minimise the cost of creating content. We even provide a discount for first-timers - if your single, EP or album is your recording debut, we'll discount our fee by 30% to give you a hand.

All prices include GST.

Full Album (up to 10 tracks):  $550 plus $55 per additional track ($385 / $38.50 for debut recording)

Extended Play (up to 4 tracks): $330 plus $55 per additional track ($231 / $38.50 for debut recording)

Single Track: $220 ($154 for debut recording).

You might prefer to just talk about your album or EP as a whole, rather than going through track by track. These conversations about an album or EP, without track by track content, are priced at $275 ($192.50 for a debut album / EP).

And even better news if you are based in regional Australia. If you live in a Local Government Area that is deemed as regional, we will offer a further 10% off these prices, to support others based outside of the big smoke.

A couple of "fine print" comments for completeness:

  1. The content of our conversation will be posted in our YouTube channel and podcast. You'll obviously own the rights to your music but the conversations will be joint copyright between us and you. That means that either of us can use the content as we see fit, but others can't.

  2. The quality of the audio and video is directly proportional to the quality of your internet connection. We use an app called StreamYard to record the content and it relies on the quality of the connection. 

Otherwise, if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Ready to Rock and Roll?

Please get in touch via our Podversations contact page - make sure you choose as the enquiry type.

We'll respond as soon as we can so that we can schedule our recording session.